Process Milestones
Milestone Documents
Settlement Agreement
Settlement Agreement
Appendix A: Proposal Content of License Conditions
Appendix A1: Lower Saluda River Warning System Enhancement Plan
Appendix A2: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Recreation Plan
Appendix A3: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Lower Saluda River Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring and Enhancement Program
Appendix A4: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Freshwater Mussel Enhancement Program
Appendix A5: Santee River Basin Accord for Diadromous Fish Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement
Appendix A6:
Saluda Hydroelectric Project Sturgeon Protection and Adaptive Management Program
Appendix A7: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Trout Evaluation and Monitoring Program
Appendix A8: Lower Saluda River Fish Community Monitoring Program
Appendix A9: Saluda Hydroelectric Project RT&E Species Management Program
Appendix A10: Rare Plant & Animal Species of Interest Around Lake Murray and Lower Saluda River Brochure
Appendix A11: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Flow Release Program
Appendix A12: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Reservoir Drawdown Program
Appendix A13: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Maintenance, Emergency, and Low Inflow Protocol
Appendix A14: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Normal Reservoir Operating Guidelines
Appendix A15: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Shoreline Management Plan
Appendix A16: Lands Included in the SCDNR Wildlife Management Area Program to Enhance Waterfowl Habitat
Appendix A17: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Historic Properties Management Plan
Appendix B: Proposed Content of Off-License Agreements
Appendix B1: Saluda Hydroelectric Project Safety and Outreach Program
Appendix B2: Lake Murray Shoreline Management Handbook and Permitting Guidelines
Appendix B3: Lands Included in the SCDNR Wildlife Management Area Program
Appendix C: Signatories to the CRSA
Appendix D: Organization Descriptions
Final License Application (updated 9/5/08) 
Notice of Intent
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G)
filed it's Notice
of Intent to relicense the Saluda Hydro Project on April 29, 2005
release). Once a licensee has filed this Notice of Intent or NOI,
the formal process of relicensing begins. Along with the NOI, the licensee
must distribute an Initial Consultation Document (ICD) to state and
federal resource agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public
with an interest in the project. The ICD serves as the foundation for
relicensing issue development, containing information about the relicensing
process, project facilities, and baseline environmental data.
Notice of Intent to Relicense
(1.51 MB)
Initial Consultation Document
(11.2 MB)
Public Information File 
Relicensing Meeting Summaries 
Once the relicensing process begins, SCE&G will meet with
stakeholders to address issues related to the operation of the
Saluda Hydro Project. This page will provide links to summaries
of those meetings, as well as a brief description of topics covered.
Public meetings, agency meetings, workshops, cultural resources, etc.
Public Comments 
A list of the major issues associated with relicensing
the Saluda Hydro Project. A brief description of each issue is also
Draft Application for New License 
Issued December 13, 2007, the Draft Application allows a period of time for additional
comments to be considered as the final
license application is being prepared.
In accordance with 18 C.F.R §16.8 (c)(5), formal comments specifically in reference to the Draft Application are due 90 days after issuance. Thus, they should be received by March 14, 2008.